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时间:[2023-01-13]  来源:

1. Chao Han, Jian Chen, Mingkui Tan, Michael Ng, Qingyao Wu. A Tensor-based Markov Chain Method for Heterogeneous Information Network Collective Classification. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Nov.2020.

2. Zheng Baomin, Huang Linni, Yin Linfei*. Design and implementation of an intelligent grounding wire detecting device based on dsp and embedded android system[J]. Guangdong Electric Power, 2020, 33(11): 75-82.

3. Lefeng Cheng; Jie Zhang*; Linfei Yin*; Yang Chen; Jianhui Wang; Guiyun Liu; Xiaogang Wang; Dongxing Zhang. General Three-population Multi-strategy Evolutionary Games for Long-term On-grid Bidding of Generation-side Electricity Market[J]. IEEE Access, 2021.

4. Chen, Junbin, Yu, Tao*, Yin, Linfei, Tang, Jianlin, Wang, Hanqi. A Unified Time Scale Intelligent Control Algorithm for Microgrid Based on Extreme Dynamic Programming, CSEE Journal of power and energy systems, 2020,6(3): 583-590.

5. Nan Wu, Honglei Wang*, Linfei Yin, Xufeng Yuan, Xiaoxia Leng. Application Conditions of Bounded Rationality and A Microgrid Energy Management Control Strategy Combining Real-time Power Price and Demand-side response, IEEE Access, 2020,8: 227327-227339.

6. Linfei Yin*, Jiaxing Xie. Multi-temporal-spatial-scale temporal convolution network for short-term load forecasting of power systems[J]. Applied Energy.

7. Linfei Yin*,Tao Wang, Baomin Zheng. Analytical adaptive distributed multi-objective optimization algorithm for optimal power flow problems[J].Energy, 2021,216:119245.

8. Linfei Yin*, Bin Zhang.Time series generative adversarial network controller for long-term smart generation control of microgrids[J].Applied Energy, 2021,281: 116069.

9. Yin, Linfei, Luo, Shikui, Wang, Yaoxiong, Gao, Fang*, Yu, Jun. Coordinated complex-valued encoding dragonfly algorithm and artificial emotional reinforcement learning for coordinated secondary voltage control and automatic voltage regulation in multi-generator power systems[J], IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 180520 - 180533.

10. Linfei Yin*, Qi Gao. Proportional-integral-derivative optimization algorithm for double-fed induction generator with the maximum wind power tracking technique, Soft computing[J]. 25(4): 3097–3111(2021).

11. Zhixiang Sun, Fang Gao*, Hui Liu. Deep forest regression for short-term load forecasting of power systems[J]. IEEE Access,2020,8: 49090-49099.

12. Linfei Yin, Shengyuan Li, Fang Gao*. Equilibrium stability of asymmetric evolutionary games of multi-agent systems with multiple groups in open electricity market[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 28970 - 28978.

13. Cheng Lefeng, Yin Linfei, Wang Jiahui, Shen Teng*, Chen Yang*, Liu Guiyun, Yu Tao. Behavioral decision-making in power demand-side response management: A multi-population evolutionary game dynamics perspective[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021, 129: 106743.

14. 王帅军,胡立坤*,王一飞.基于改进D~*算法的室内移动机器人路径规划[J].计算机工程与设计,2020,41(04):1118-1124.DOI:10.16208/j.issn1000-7024.2020.04.036.

15. 胡立坤*,王帅军,吕智林,朱文天.移动机器人多目标搜寻的D~*-蚁群融合算法[J].小型微型计算机系统,2020,41(03):471-476.

16. 胡鸿越,胡立坤*,刘贻达,曹武警,陈春杰.一种柔性下肢外骨骼控制策略研究[J].仪器仪表学报,2020,41(03):184-191.DOI:10.19650/j.cnki.cjsi.J1905946.

17. 卢泉*,张泽昊,张卫平,刘诣荣.基于Boltzmann函数刃边拟合的光栅成像系统点扩展函数模型[J].光学学报,2020,40(14):32-39.




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