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时间:[2023-01-13]  来源:

1. Li X, Li X, Zhang S, et al. SLViT: Shuffle-convolution-based lightweight Vision transformer for effective diagnosis of sugarcane leaf diseases[J]. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 2022.

2. Li Y, Guo Z , Shuang F , et al. Key technologies of machine vision for weeding robots: A review and benchmark[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 196:106880-.

3. Yang A, Lu Z. Multi-scalar Model Based Predictive Torque Control Without Weighting Factors and Current Sensors for Induction Motor Drives[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022, 10(5): 5785-5797.  

4. Yang A , Lu Z . Electromagnetic torque and reactive torque control of induction motor drives to improve vehicle variable flux operation and torque response[J]. Journal of Power Electronics, 2022, 22(10):1699-1712.

5. Yi Z , Yao D , Li G , et al. Detection and localization for lake floating objects based on CA-faster R-CNN[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, 81(12):17263-17281.

6. Yin L, Cao X, Wang S. Deep learning-accelerated optimization algorithm for controller parameters optimization of doubly-fed induction generators[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 131:109800.

7. Yin L, Cao X. Inspired lightweight robust quantum Q-learning for smart generation control of power systems[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 131: 109804.

8. Yin L, Cao X, Chen L. High-dimensional Multiple Fractional Order Controller for Automatic Generation Control and Automatic Voltage Regulation[J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2022: 1-17.

9. Yin L, Li Y. Hybrid multi-agent emotional deep Q network for generation control of multi-area integrated energy systems[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 324: 119797.

10. Yin L, Li Y. Fuzzy vector reinforcement learning algorithm for generation control of power systems considering flywheel energy storage[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 125: 109149.

11. Yin L, Qiu Y. Long-term price guidance mechanism of flexible energy service providers based on stochastic differential methods[J]. Energy, 2022, 238: 121818.

12. Yin L, Cao X, Sun Z. Distributed Pareto Reinforcement Learning for Multi-objective Smart Generation Control of Multi-area Interconnected Power Systems[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2022: 1-14.

13. Han K, Yang K, Yin L. Lightweight actor-critic generative adversarial networks for real-time smart generation control of microgrids[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 317: 119163.

14. Yin L, Chen L. High-Dimensional Multiple Fractional-Order Controllers for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Turbines[J]. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 2022, 33(3): 822-837.

15. Li G, Bao X, Liu X. A Double-Loop Inertia Phase-Locked Loop with Anti-Disturbance Ability[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022.

16. Quan Lu, Jianli Xu , Likun Hu and Minghui Shi. Parallel VINS-Mono algorithm based on GPUs in embedded devices[J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2022.

17. Kunlun Han, Tianwei Huang, Linfei Yin*.Transfer learning accelerating complex parameters optimizations based on quantum-inspired parallel multi-layer Monte Carlo algorithm: Theory, application, implementation,Applied Soft Computing,2023,109982,Applied Soft Computing,2023,109982, Accepted 2022-12-29.

18. Dan Liu , Yingzi Wu , Yiqun Kang , Linfei Yin∗, Xiaotong Ji , Xinghui Cao, Chuangzhi Li. Multi-agent quantum-inspired deep reinforcement learning for real-time distributed generation control of 100% renewable energy systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2023,105787,Accepted 2022-12-24.

19. Linfei Yin,∗ , Xinghui Cao, Dongduan Liu. Weighted fully-connected regression networks for one-day-ahead hourly photovoltaic power forecasting, Applied Energy, 2023, 332, 120527 . Accepted 2022-12-14.

20. Fang Gao, Rongzhao Hu, Linfei Yin,*,Variable boundary reinforcement learning for maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic grid-connected systems, Energy, 2022, 264, 126278.

21. Linfei Yin∗, Xinghui Cao. Inspired Lightweight robust quantum Q-learning for smart generation control of power systems, Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 131, 109804, Accepted 2022-11-6.

22. Linfei Yin ∗, Bin Zhang. Relaxed deep generative adversarial networks for real-time economic smart generation dispatch and control of integrated energy systems,Applied Energy ,2022,330,120300.

23. Linfei Yin, Xinghui Cao, Senlin Wang*, Deep learning-accelerated optimization algorithm for controller parameters optimization of doubly-fed induction generators, Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 109800. Accepted 2022-11-5.

24. Linfei Yin*, Min Tao. Balanced broad learning prediction model for carbon emissions of integrated energy systems considering distributed ground source heat pump heat storage systems and carbon capture & storage, Applied Energy, 2022, 239,120269. Accepted 2022-10-3.

25. Linfei Yin*, Qiuyue Zhong. GoogLeResNet3 network for detecting the abnormal electricity consumption behavior of users, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022,145,108733. Accepted 2022-10-14.

26. Linfei Yin*, Yu Li. Hybrid multi-agent emotional deep Q network for generation control of multi-area integrated energy systems[J], Applied Energy, 2022, 324, 119797.

27. Linfei Yin,*, Yao Qiu. Neural network dynamic differential control for long-term price guidance mechanism of flexible energy service providers, Energy, 2022, 238, 124558.

28. Linfei Yin*, Yu Li. Fuzzy vector reinforcement learning algorithm for generation control of power systems considering flywheel energy storage[J], Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 125, 109149.

29. Kunlun Han, Kai Yang, Linfei Yin,*,Lightweight actor-critic generative adversarial networks for real-time smart generation control of microgrids[J],Applied Energy, 2022, Volume 317, 1 July 2022, 119163.

30. Linfei Yin,*,Xinghui Cao, Zhixiang Sun. Distributed Pareto reinforcement learning for multi-objective smart generation control of multi-area interconnected power systems, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2022.

31. Linfei Yin*, Xinghui Cao, and Lichen Chen. High-dimensional multiple fractional order controller for automatic generation control and automatic voltage regulation, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2022.

32. Linfei Yin*, Lichun Chen.High-dimensional multiple fractional-order controllers for doubly-fed induction generator-based wind turbines [J]. 2021, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems.

33. 黄润辉 ,胡立坤* ,苏鸣方 ,徐大也 ,陈奥然 .基于三维锥形栅格的激光点云语义分割方法[J].汽车工程,2022,44(08):1173-1182+1250. DOI:10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2022.08.007.

34. 姚燕,胡立坤*,郭军.基于改进DeepLabv3+网络的轻量级语义分割算法[J].激光与光电子学进展,2022,59(04):200-207.

35. 卢泉*,杨振华,黄粒峰.改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法[J].红外技术,2022,44(06):580-586.

36. 李娟,卢子广*.感应电机新型自适应矢量控制极低速与零速稳定性研究[J/OL].中国电机工程学报:1-11[2022-12-24].

37. 王静,卢子广*.采用多标量模型的感应电机简化模型预测转矩控制算法[J/OL].中国电机工程学报:1-10[2022-12-24].

38. 殷林飞*, 刘东端.基于双三层深度神经网络的短期负荷预测[J],广西电力,2022,45(01):20-25+47.DOI:10.16427/j.cnki.issn1671-8380.2022.01.013.




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