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时间:[2023-01-13]  来源:

1. Teng K , Lu Z , Long J , et al. Voltage Build-Up Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator With Multi-Timescale Reduced-Order Model[J]. IEEE Access,2019:1-1.

2. Pingping Gong , Ziguang Lu, Jingyu Lin*, Zhilin Lv, Likun Hu. Distributed secondary control based on cluster consensus of inhibitory coupling with power limit for isolated multi-microgrid[J].  IET Generation Transaction & Distribution, 2019,13(18): 4114-4122.

3. Ziguang Lu*, Ruilin Zhang, Likun Hu , Lin Gan, Jingyu Lin, Pingping Gong. Model predictive control of induction motor based on amplitude–phase motion equation[J]. IET POWER ELECTRONICS,2019,12(9): 2400-2406.

4. Linfei Yin*, Qi Gao, Lulin Zhao, Tao Wang. Expandable deep learning for real-time economic generation dispatch and control of three-state energies based future smart grids [J]. Energy, 2020, 191,116561.

5. Linfei Yin*, Qi Gao, Lulin Zhao, Bin Zhang, Tao Wang, Shengyuan Li, Hui Liu. A review of machine learning for new generation smart dispatch in power systems [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020,88: 103372.

6. Linfei Yin∗, Shengyuan Li, Hui Liu. l cyber-physical-social energy systems [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020,88: 103380.

7. Linfei Yin, Bin Zhang, Tao Yu*, Lvpeng Chen, Baomin Zheng. Adaptive Distributed Consensus Protocol for Automatic Generation Control of Large-scale InterconnectedPower Systems [J].IEEE Access, 2019,7:48167 - 48174.

8. Tao Wang, Senlin Wang*, and Baomin Zheng. Interchange objective value method for distributed multi-objective optimization: Theory, application, implementation [J].Applied Energy.

9. Linfei Yin, Tao Yu*, Bo Yang, Xiaoshun Zhang. l of multi-area multi-microgrid systems [J].

10. 卢泉*,韦雪菲,张玉,邓海华.局部阴影情况下不同结构光伏阵列输出特性研究[J].太阳能学报,2019,40(04):1003-1010.DOI:10.19912/j.0254-0096.2019.04.016.

11. 滕开良,卢子广*,龙军,甘霖.基于复系数Routh判据的自励异步发电机自激建压分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2019,39(18):5520-5527+5600.DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.181309.




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